Roster Management

At Infocus Solutions, we recognize the vital role that effective patient roster management plays in the success of your medical practice. Our Roster Audits(RA) service simplifies and improves this critical aspect of your healthcare operation, ensuring your patient list is always current and accurate.


Meeting Your Practice’s Needs

Our RA service commences with a monthly download of your patient roster from each insurance provider. This comprehensive data forms the foundation for precise patient management. What sets us apart is our careful manual verification process.

Our expert team will thoroughly check every entry, leaving no room for error or outdated information. This careful approach guarantees you have the most current and up-to-date patient data available.

Identifying new patients quickly is instrumental to practice growth, but it’s equally essential to streamline your patient roster by identifying termed patients. With RA, you receive detailed lists of new patients and termed patients monthly. This invaluable information helps you to take a proactive approach to patient engagement.

You can warmly welcome new patients, ensuring they feel valued from day one. Simultaneously, promptly identifying termed patients can optimize your resources and maintain a well-organized patient roster.

Efficient patient roster management plays a significant role in your daily patient flow. RA helps you track when each patient was last seen, enabling more effective scheduling and follow-ups. Patients who receive timely follow-up are more likely to return to your practice. In turn, this leads to increased patient flow and improved practice revenue.

The Benefits of Roster Audits

Accurate patient rosters translate directly to improved billing and coding accuracy. By eliminating errors and ensuring that all billable patient visits are captured, RA contributes significantly to increased revenue for your practice. This service pays for itself by helping you maximize your billing potential.

Our expert team will thoroughly check every entry, leaving no room for error or outdated information. This careful approach guarantees you have the most current and up-to-date patient data available.

Patient engagement is key to quality healthcare. Knowing your patients and their visit histories is essential for providing personalized care. RA informs you about when patients were last seen, facilitating more meaningful interactions during appointments. This not only enhances patient satisfaction but also leads to better health outcomes.

Identifying new patients is a fundamental aspect of practice growth. With RA, you can take a proactive approach to attracting and retaining patients. Prompt outreach helps establish strong patient-doctor relationships, secures patient loyalty, and fosters organic practice growth through positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Streamlined roster management simplifies administrative tasks within your practice. RA reduces administrative burdens, freeing up valuable time and resources for your medical staff.

Success in today’s healthcare industry requires precision and efficiency. RA ensures that your patient roster is always current, billing is accurate, and your practice is set up for success. With a reliable and up-to-date patient roster, you can confidently navigate the challenges of modern healthcare.

Discover how Infocus Solutions’ RA service can optimize your practice’s roster management, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Contact us today to learn more about our service and set your practice on the path to success.